If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.

~ Lewis Caroll

Friday, July 10, 2009

Shopping Substitutes

I’m an addict. I love, love, love to shop—especially for clothes and shoes. Having recently moved into a new apartment, home décor is back on my “to buy” list. Now I know that I’m far from the only one suffering from this (I’ve watched the MTV special on shopaholics), but I’ve decided to reform. After reading Confessions of a Shopaholic and watching Isla Fischer’s performance in the film, I have to admit that I’m reluctant to stop my couture compulsion. You know how it is, you work hard (or you work) and bring home a paycheck only to find yourself making meals of Lucky Charms and olives at the end of the month. Where does it all go!? My money apparently goes on my feet. In order to curb the desire to purchase (and actually bring my card balances down), I thought I’d come up with some distractions.

I’ve decided to take up hiking. I love being outdoors, but I’m not too into sports. I golf, but you can sit down and drink beer, so it doesn’t count. And it’s expensive. I recently purchased a new golf outfit—precious and pink! It also benefited breast cancer research, so I feel it’s justified. Anyway, I checked out two books from the library (another hot spot for the money deprived) on hiking in Middle Tennessee. There are some fantastic looking parks and hiking trails within two hours of my house. Even better, it’s basically free! I’m planning a hike for next Saturday. I’m taking my boyfriend and our dog (they don’t know it yet), packing a lunch, and lacing up my tennis shoes. I thought about investing in hiking boots, but I think I’ll see if I can stick with it first. I think it will do wonders for me. Besides saving money and killing time otherwise spent at the mall or by the pool, I’ll be getting exercise, and who doesn’t want killer buns earned from climbing rocky terrain?

I’m totally pumped about kicking my addiction. I also went through my closet and pulled out everything that I never wear, or just doesn’t fit (seriously, by the time it does, I can just buy something new), and am taking it to Plato’s Closet to sell. I made $300 the last time I sold to them, so maybe they’ll want my merchandise this time around. It’s freed up my closet so I can invest in some quality items. That’s the key. My Manolo Blahnik patent leather mary janes have gotten me through three fall/winter seasons and look like new. It’s amazing how affordable they seem when you get to wear them for years and not throw them out. Well, that’s my rant for the day. I say this as I have $93 left until payday, but hey, at least I have a plan!

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