If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.

~ Lewis Caroll

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Matrimonial Merriment

Ahh...it's time for another round of weddings. Since I have three to attend (and one in which I'm an attendent!), marriage has been on my mind. I'm so very happy for my friends tying the knot and am thrilled to take part in one girlfriend's ceremony. However, it raises the question of whether or not I'll ever join the world of matrimonial delight. I've often thought of how I'd do it, or where, who would be there (who wouldn't), etc. But it's strange how lately I think more about the after part of a wedding. What will marriage be like? In many ways, marriage seems like a tired convention that no longer has a part in modern society, but I still like the romantic notion of being a part of someone in a spiritual and emotional way. While I pride myself on being a modern, self-sufficient woman, I still am pleased as punch when a gentleman holds a door open or offers his seat or looks offended if I offer to pay for my own drink! It's these ties to historical expectations of the sexes that keep me intrigued by the idea of marriage. Plus married couples have the added benefit of extra financial security, and we can't get enough security these days. After careful consideration I am stating that I am pro-marriage (if you want it). If you don't, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have lived a happy life of non-marrital bliss, so there is an alternative that seems as fulfilling. So congrats to my friends and I wish them a lifetime of happiness and compromises and hope. Maybe one day soon the Little White Chapel will be calling me to Vegas, so until then I'll choose to believe in the tradition and happy endings.

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