If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.

~ Lewis Caroll

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wedding Planning Blues

I think I'm experiencing something that all brides inevitably do, the "planning blues." It's not that I don't want to get married, because I do. It's not that I don't want an unforgettable wedding, because I do. I just don't want to plan it all. My mindset now is "I just want to be married." Most people would agree that this is a good thing; I'm focusing on the marriage and not simply the wedding. However they go hand-in-hand.

Why is it that when we ask for a man's input, then get his input, we instantly regret asking for it in the first place? I really want my fiance to help make decisions and get as much enjoyment out of the process as I am. But I find myself more and more frustrated at his suggestions--"hey, let's let our friend who knows nothing about photography take our wedding pics!" or "won't people just know to come to the rehearsal, we'll just send them an email." I truly appreciate his effort to amuse me or offer actual input, but it's not really helping me make real decisions. I need a wedding planning fairy godmother to come put all the pieces together.

I believe these fairy godmothers are called wedding planners. However, my budget is seriously lacking, and a wedding planner is completely out of the question. I need to make a list (you know how I love a good list) and then tackle one thing at a time.

Easier said than done. I just needed to have a little rant. I will take any suggestions, though. Because I'm all about free wedding planner input!

1 comment:

  1. take a breath...i went through the same thing. i ended up crying on multiple occasions because i just wanted it over with. it will get better and lists are perfect.
